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            In my elective class, we had an option to listion to a podcast that looks at an old case. They try to see if the suspect is actually guilty or innocent. They even record the time of an event and check out the places that are related to the case. We had to listen to all the episodes and choose 6 of them. With those episodes, we review them and summarize them. We then decide if the suspect is guilty or not and why.


            The Serial podcast was something I really enjoyed it and the case really made me think about the whole situation. The podcast itself was very interesting and entertaining. Because they're talking about a REAL case, it was engaging. I got to be a "detective" and see the evidence and clues from the case. I was able to decide whether the suspect is guilty or innocent for myself.


            This project shows my skills as an AdVENTURE student. This is because with this project, you have to really pay attention and listen to the podcast. While listening to the episodes, I couldn't do other things or even read a book. This shows that you really have to just focus on one assignment or project to understand it and to remember it. After listening to the podcasts, I wouldn't distract myself with other things while doing my work. This helped a lot and I procrastinated less.

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