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In English class, we had to complete three things to make a tic-tac-toe. The three things we had to do relates to the book we chose.


            The Novel Study Project was something I really enjoyed. This is because we got to choose any book we wanted. I also love to read books and to be able to reflect and talk about your favorite book felt very nice. For the tic-tac-toe, I had to choose three things. I decided to choose to make a cube with quotes, make a folded book quiz, and make a nomination video for the best fiction book ever written.


            This project helps improve my ability. This is because it actually helps me focus more on the books I read. Because I would have to reflect on the book and do assignments on it, I move go back and check for quotes, lines, etc. This helps me know more about the book. Now, I will go back a page or two if I don't understand something, instead of just moing on.

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